General terms and conditions

These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC”) govern the rights and obligations between the Operator of the Route E58 – Camp Košice accommodation facility and the Client (hereinafter referred to as the “Accommodation Provider, Client or contracting parties”) for distance accommodation contracts (hereinafter “Contract”).


Art. I.

General Provisions and Definitions

  1. For the purposes of this contract, the Client means any natural or legal person who has filled in and sent the reservation form via an online reservation on the website and has received notification of receipt of the reservation from the accommodation facility.
  2. Accommodation facility Route E58 – Camp Košice (hereinafter referred to as “camping”) means the operation of the company

HEST CO spol. s. r. o.

Zinková 10, 040 17 Košice

Represented by: Ing. Henrich Tománek

Registration number: 47 155 957

VAT number: SK 2023767988

Registered: OR of the District Court of Košice I, Section Sro, file number 32305/V


Art. II

Subject of the Сontract


  1. The subject of the contract is the provision of temporary accommodation (hereinafter referred to as “accommodation”) to the Accommodation Provider on the basis of an online reservation made through the website
  2. The Accomodation Provider undertakes to provide the Client with accommodation for the period specified in the reservation form.
  3. The Client undertakes to pay the Accommodation Provider the price for the provided accommodation and for the services connected with it.


Art. III.


  1. The reservation is made via an online reservation form (hereinafter referred to as “reservation”) on the website.
  2. When making a reservation, the Client has the opportunity to choose any of the currently available accommodation capacities in the campsite, according to the specified requirements (date of arrival / departure, number of persons, etc.).
  3. In order to make a reservation, the Client is obliged, within the registration form, to truthfully state all required information.
  4. After sending the reservation, its payment according to Art. IV of these GTC and verification of the above data on the Client the confirmation of the reservation with the reservation number will be immediately sent to him to the e-mail address provided by him.
  5. The reservation becomes binding by crediting funds to the account of the Accommodation Provider.


Art. IV

Payment terms


  1. The price list of services for accommodation and other services can be viewed on the website and at the camping reception.
  2. The Client is obliged to pay the price for accommodation booked by the Client via the online reservation form in full for online reservations via the Payment by Credit Card (Stripe) service or bank transfer to the Accommodation Provider’s account on the basis of the issued tax document (invoice) within its due date.
  3. The Client is required to have a credit / debit card number when booking online. By sending the reservation, the Client agrees to make payment for the booked accommodation in full in favor of the Accommodation Provider (by charging the total price for accommodation from the Client’s account) and authorizes the Accommodation Provider to make this payment. The total price for accommodation is immediately charged for processing in favor of the Accomodation Provider’s bank account.
  4. The Client authorizes the Accommodation Provider to verify the provided information about the credit / debit card in the relevant call center of the bank or company that issued the credit card.
  5. In the event that in the period from the sending of the non-binding reservation to the time of crediting funds in the amount of payment for accommodation to the account of the Accommodation Provider (ie until the reservation becomes binding), the non-bindingly booked Accommodation (capacity) will be sold the Accommodation Provider will offer the Client an adequate alternative to the accommodation capacity. In the event that the Client does not agree with the alternative offer, he is entitled to withdraw from the contract, while the Accommodation Provider will refund the amount paid within 15 days from the date of the Client’s withdrawal from the contract, by non-cash bank transfer to the Client’s bank account from which the Client made the payment.
  6. In the event that the Client terminates his accommodation prematurely, the Accommodation Provider has the right to charge the Client the full amount of the agreed price for the entire length of the booked accommodation.
  7. When paying the price for accommodation, the following types of cards are accepted: Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, MasterCard Electronic, Maestro, Diners club International.


Art. V.

Modification, cancellation and withdrawal from the contract


  1. Any changes to the binding reservation by the Client may be made by phone or email through the reception of the Accommodation Provider, after entering the reservation number assigned and sent to the Client after crediting the accommodation funds to the Accommodation Provider’s account. Telephone number for making the changes: +421 907 110 525, email:
  2. However, if the Client requests a change in the binding reservation, which cannot be met due to capacity or other operational reasons, the Accommodation Provider will take all necessary steps to comply with the Client’s requirements, but the Accommodation Provider is not obliged to comply with the Client’s request to change the binding reservation and the Client is not entitled to damages or any other performance by the Accommodation Provider due to the impossibility of changing the binding reservation.
  3. In the event of the Client’s withdrawal from the contract and cancellation of the binding reservation, the Accommodation Provider is entitled to a cancellation fee as follows:
  4. The client is entitled, without giving a reason, to withdraw from the contract within 4 hours from the moment of its conclusion without any fee.
  5. cancellation of the reservation more than 30 days before the start of the performance date free of charge
  6. cancellation 29 – 21 days prior to the performance date 10% of the total price for accommodation
  7. cancellation 20 – 14 days prior to the performance date 30% of the total price for accommodation
  8. cancellation 13 – 4 days prior to the performance date 50% of the total price for accommodation
  9. cancellation 3 – 0 days prior to the performance date 100% of the total price for accommodation.
  10. In the event that the Client does not show up, without any prior communication, the Accommodation Provider is entitled to a cancellation fee of 100% of the total price for accommodation for the date of commencement of the service.
  11. In case of withdrawal or partial withdrawal of the Client from the contract, cancellation or partial cancellation of the reservation or in case the Client does not show up, the Accommodation Provider will send the Client an e-mail notification of the Accommodation Provider’s right to cancellation fee and its amount under these GTC within 15 days from the withdrawal or partial withdrawal from the contract, cancellation or partial cancellation of the reservation and in case of non – arrival from the date of commencement of the performance date.
  12. By confirming the order and expressing consent to these GTC, the Client agrees and acknowledges that the Accommodation Provider is entitled, in case of withdrawal or partial withdrawal of the Client from the contract and cancellation or partial cancellation of the reservation or no-show, to unilaterally set off the Client’s receivable when making an online reservation of accommodation against the Accomodation Provider’s receivable for payment of a cancellation fee in the amount specified in these GTC, in the amount in which these receivables are covered, the amount exceeding the receivables of the Client and the Accomodation Provider in favor of the Client shall be paid by the Accomodation Provider to The Client, from whom the price for accommodation was paid when booking accommodation online, within 30 working days from the day following the day of withdrawal or partial withdrawal of the Client from the contract and cancellation or partial cancellation of the reservation or no-show. Bank fees associated with the return of the price for accommodation to the Client shall be borne by the Client.
  13. The Accomodation Provider may withdraw from the contract before the expiry of the agreed period, if the Client in the accommodation facility, despite the warning, grossly violates good manners or otherwise grossly violates his obligations under the contract.
  14. Force majeure represents a legal fact consisting of an extraordinary, unpredictable, and unavoidable event. If a force majeure event causes an obstacle in fulfilling contractual obligations, independent of the will of either contracting party, the hotel is not obligated to provide the agreed-upon services at all or only to the extent subsequently agreed upon individually. The customer is not obligated to use the ordered services during the reserved period. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, an obstacle is considered to be, in particular, a natural disaster, armed conflict, terrorist activity, epidemic, or domestic circumstances (nationwide strikes, legislative measures).
  15. The obligation of the contracting parties is to notify the other party of the occurrence of force majeure without undue delay. The hotel fulfills this obligation by publishing an announcement on the hotel’s website.
  16. In the event that an obstacle to fulfilling contractual obligations arises on the part of the hotel or the customer due to force majeure, the contracting parties are obligated to agree on a substitute performance of the contract (new scope of services, new date for providing or using the service). The hotel fulfills this obligation by, within its capacity, allowing the customer to use the services offered by the hotel at the originally agreed value (price) within 12 months from the originally agreed start date of service use by the customer. If the customer does not use the hotel’s services within this 12-month period, it is considered that the customer has canceled the entire order with a cancellation fee of 100% of the price of the ordered services. The customer has no right to compensation for any damage caused by force majeure or other circumstances excluding liability.


Art. VI

Responsibility and Liability


  1. The Accomodation Provider is liable for any damage caused to items brought-in or left at the premises according to the provisions of §433 et seq. act no. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended.
  2. The Accomodation Provider provides the Client with a safety deposit box upon request and according to the valid price list. The use of a safe in a cottage or mobile home cannot be considered as taking over the property by the Accommodation Provider.
  3. The Accomodation Provider is not responsible for lost or forgotten things in the campsite.
  4. The Accommodation Provider is responsible for jewelery, money and other valuables only if the items for safekeeping have been taken into safekeeping by the campsite staff on the basis of a confirmation.
  5. The Accomodation Provider is not liable for damages caused to the Client outside the campsite.
  6. The Client is responsible for the camping inventory in accordance with the applicable legal regulations orFor damages caused to the equipment for any damage caused to the equipment. In case of damage or destruction of the camping property, the Accommodation Provider is entitled to compensation for damage in the value of the destroyed inventory. The value of the inventory is determined in a written list located at the reception. It is in the Guest’s interest to find out about its contents in case of deterioration or damage to the equipment in the cottage, mobile home or other parts of the campsite and as a responsible representative is liable for damage caused by minors for which he is responsible, as well as for any damage caused by persons who are on the premises of the accommodation facility and the Client has allowed them to stay there.
  7. In the event of damage caused by the Client to the property of the Accommodation Provider, the Client is obliged to pay compensation for the damage incurred no later than on the day of the end of his accommodation. In the event that the Client refuses to reimburse the incurred damage, the Accommodation Provider is entitled to charge the Client a contractual penalty in the amount of 0.1% per day of the amount due for each day of delay. Payment of the contractual penalty does not affect the Accommodation Provider’s right to compensation for damage caused.


Art. VII.

Complaints handling policy


  1. To ensure the correct procedure for making complaints, deficiencies in services and goods sold and provided at the campsite, we establish this complaint procedure on the basis of Act no. 250/2007 Coll on consumer protection as amended and Act no. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended
  2. If the client finds out that the provided services (accommodation) show deficiencies in the quality or scope of the provided services, he has the right to complain about these deficiencies.
  3. The Client is obliged to resolve the complaint without undue delay after finding the deficiency.
  4. The client files a complaint with the employee responsible for accommodation in the campsite.
  5. When making a complaint, the client submits proof of purchase of the service (copy of the order, invoice, etc.).
  6. The head of the operation or an employee authorized by him is obliged, after careful examination, to decide on the method of handling the complaint immediately or within a specified period.
  7. The Accomodation Provider is obliged to keep records of complaints and submit it at the request of the supervisory authority for inspection. The record of the complaint must contain data on the date of the complaint, the date and the method of handling the complaint.
  8. If it is not possible to eliminate technical defects in the cottage / mobile home assigned to the Client and the accommodation facility cannot provide the Client with other alternative accommodation and the cottage / mobile home will be rented upon agreement despite this defect, the Client has the right to:
  9. reasonable price discount
  10. withdrawal from the contract and refund of the price paid for accommodation


Art. VIII.

Data Privacy


  1. The camping operator HEST CO spol. s. r. o. Zinková 10, 040 17 Košice, IČO: 47 155 957 performs the processing of personal data in accordance with generally binding legal regulations of the Slovak Republic, in particular in accordance with Act no. 122/2013 Coll on the protection of personal data and on the amendment of certain acts as amended by Act no. 84/2014 Coll in the current and valid wording (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”).
  2. The camping operator HEST CO spol. s. r. o. processes Clients’ personal data for the purpose of booking, selling the use of services by Clients in the operator’s campsite and controlling their use. Personal data is processed for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose of processing – booking, sale of use of services by Clients in the campsite and control of their use, but for a maximum of two years from the collection of this data. Personal data processed for the purpose of booking, sale of use of services by clients in the campsite and control of their use by the company HEST CO spol. s. r. o. are processed on the basis of § 10 par. Сhаr 3 b) of the Act without the consent of the data subject.
  3. The client provides consent to the processing of personal data voluntarily, has been informed of his rights under §28 to 30 of the Act by making these provisions of the law available, and this consent may be revoked at any time by a written request to the operator’s address.


Art. IX.

Special Provisions


  1. In case of any ambiguities that arise during the online reservation, the Client is entitled to contact the campsite reception by phone at +421 907 110 525 or by email:
  2. In case of special requests – late check-in or late check-out or interest in booking additional services, the Client is entitled to contact the campsite reception by phone at +421 907 110 525 or by email: info @
  3. Check-in is possible on the day of arrival at 14:00.
  4. Check-out is on the last day of accommodation no later than 12:00. Late check-out is possible depending on the current occupancy of the campsite, while the fee for late check-out until 15:00 is 10, – €.
  5. An inseparable part of these GTC is the Accommodation Rules of the Route E58 – Camp Košice campsite, which can be viewed on the website or at the campsite reception.
  6. The contracting parties warrant and represent that their contractual freedom and legal capacity are not limited and they are not aware of any facts that would restrict this contractual freedom.
  7. The contracting parties warrant and represent that the contract was not concluded in distress or under noticeably unfavorable conditions, or in error and before booking the accommodation, the Client has properly read the GTC, all the provisions of the GTC are clear and comprehensible to him,  that he understood the content of the GTC, as a sign of which he approached to making the reservation of accommodation through the reservation form.
  8. These GTC come into force and effect on 01.10.2017